Our Little Sister Alexis

Birthday: April 16th;
Day of the Week: Monday's child is fair of face;
Sun Sign: Aries (The Ram), just like my Pop-Pop.
Click on my pic to learn more about me!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Family Christmas Dinner 2006

Toy Train
On Saturday, December 30th, I went to my first annual family Christmas dinner at Nana Faye's house! I had a chance to see many of my new cousins from near and far, who were also there for the first time. Watching and playing with Nana's choo-choo train under the Christmas tree was fun too. We also had a special "WELCOME HOME" celebration for Cadetta!


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Booga Update 12/26/06


Dear Family & Friends,

I turned 11 months old two days ago on December 24th. I'm not sure how much I weigh or how long I am because I haven't been to see the doc yet. I still can't walk by myself but, I'm working on it everyday with the help of my Pop-Pop, Grandmother, Mommy, and Great Grandmother "Pumpkin Pie". I got 2 new teeth (top) this month so, I now have a total of six. Another one (bottom) is pushing it's way through and should arrive soon. Now that I have so many teeth, I can eat small amounts of table food. It's a little more work to eat it because of all the chewing but, I really like it! It makes baby food kinda dull and it tastes so much better. I'm still having fun everyday with my friends at day care. I also took a trip to Baltimore, MD to see my Cousin Nailah. She celebrated her 1st birthday with a "Winter Wonderful" party on December 3rd.

The Name Game: For those of you who saw the flyer in your Christmas card from us and couldn't figure out the name my Grandmother wants me to call her from the dancing letters, it is "Grammy".

Needless to say, the highlight for me this month was my first Christmas! I met and took pics with 2 Santa Clauses. Then, I helped my family put together something called a Christmas tree. The box it came in was pretty cool too and I had fun playing in it. My Mommy dressed me up like Santa Claus and we took pics while we decorated the tree. When we finished, it was something to see. There were so many bright lights, balls, and something called candy canes...it was awesome. The King Family had their annual holiday party. My Pop-Pop and Grandmother went but, it was past my bedtime so, me and Mommy just chilled at home. I'm looking foward to going to the annual family Christmas dinner at my Nana's house in a few days. The dinner will be early enough in the day so, I can go! There was a Christmas party at day care too. We also had a special service at church on Christmas Eve to celebrate the Baby Jesus being born and I had a good time. Now that I can clap my hands, I can praise GOD too, just like all the big people. And then, there was Christmas day...when I woke up, I had more clothes to wear and toys to play with all day. I had a special dinner with my family and my Godmomie Latoya & Godpopie Justin came to see me. I really like Christmas and I can't wait to celebrate it again next year.

Well, I guess that's all for now. As always, my Pop-Pop, Grandmother, and Mommy said to tell you "hello" and we all hope that you and your family had a Merry Christmas too. Look for my next update on my first birthday 01/24/07. See you then!

Love, "The Booga..."

My First Christmas


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Booga Update Postponed

Dear Family & Friends,

Because I am on the eve of celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus and Christmas for the very first time, please look for my monthly "Booga Update" on 12/26/06. I want to include the events and pics of this special day in my post. See you then. Merry Christmas!

The Booga

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Welcome Home Cadetta!


We missed you and

praise GOD for your safe return.

We look foward to seeing you at

the family Christmas dinner!

Love, The Booga & Family

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What Is This Thing?

Cool Slideshows!

Candy Cane 2

The Candy Cane

One of the most popular candies of the Christmas season is the red-and-white striped candy cane. But just where did it originate? In the late 1800's, a candy maker in Indiana wanted to express the meaning of Christmas through a candy symbol. He started by bending one of his white candy sticks into the shape of a candy cane. When held with the crook on top, it looks like a shepherd's staff, representing Jesus as the Good Shepherd. When turned upside down, the candy cane becomes the letter "J", symbolizing the first letter in Jesus' name. The candy maker then incorporated several symbols of Christ's love and sacrifice. By starting with a plain white peppermint stick, he symbolized the purity and sinless nature of Jesus. Next, he added three small stripes, representing the pain inflicted upon Jesus before His death on the cross. The three small stripes represent the Holy Trinity, joined by a bold stripe, representing the blood of Jesus shed for mankind. It was the candy maker's desire that his invention would help people to remember what Christmas is all about...the birth of Jesus Christ.

Excerpt from the book "Christmas Traditions From Around the Globe"

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Puttin' Up The Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree is one of the most common symbols of the Christmas season. With its magnificent lights and decorations, it is beautiful to behold and reflects the warmth of the true meaning of Christmas.

In the Middle Ages, the Germans and Scandinavians placed evergreen trees inside their homes to display hope for the forthcoming spring.

According to a legend, the Christmas tree is linked with the birth of Christ. Legend tells that on the night of Christ's birth, all kinds of living creatures came to Bethlehem with gifts. The olive tree came with its fruit and the palm tree came with its date, but the fir tree had nothing to give the newborn king. So an angel, having compassion for the fir, commanded a cluster of stars to shinie on the fir's humble boughs. Upon seeing the lighted tree, Baby Jesus smiled and blessed it. As a result, the fir tree is wrapped with twinkling lights and dorned with decorations, to delight children, old and young alike, during Christmas.
Another belief is that the triangular shape of the fir tree symbolizes the Trinity and points upwards toward GOD. Even common tree decorations draw their roots in traditional values. The crystal balls symbolize the fruit of redemption, and the lights (or candles) are ancient symbols that stand for spring's triumph over the darkness of winter. Most importantly, the lights symbolize the light that Jesus Christ cast upon the lives of the people.

Excerpt from the book "Christmas Traditions From Around The Globe"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Cousin Nailah!


It was a "Winter Wonderful" birthday in Baltimore, MD for Cousin Nailah on Saturday, December 2nd. We made a snowman picture frame, decorated our own Christmas cookie, and had lots of goodies to eat and drink.

Santa Claus also stopped by to see the birthday girl. He sat with each of us and asked what we wanted for Christmas. He even took pictures with all of us!

Santa & Cousin Nailah

Santa & Cousin Miles

Santa & The Booga

Cousin Nailah,
We hope that you enjoyed your special day!
Love, The Booga & Family

Friday, December 1, 2006

Santa Meets The Booga

Xmas Lights

Happy Holidays from all of us with love,
My Pop-Pop, Grandmother, Mommy, & Me!

Santa Claus

The tradition of Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, is celebrated throughout the world. Children are told that Santa brings them presents on December 24, the night before Christmas (or in some countries on December 6, St. Nicholas' Day). In most countries, it is said that Santa lives at the North Pole and flies through the sky on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Late at night, Santa comes down the chimney and leaves presents by the Christmas tree for children, also filling their stockings hung from the mantel.

Santa Claus, which comes from the Dutch name Sinterklaas, is based on a real person, St. Nicholas. Nicholas was a Christian leader from Myra (in modern-day Turkey) in the 4 century A.D. A very shy man, he wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it. Legend tells that one day, he climbed the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. It landed in the stocking which a girl had put to dry by the fire, thus beginning the tradition of hanging stockings for Santa.

The jolly, red-suited Santa of today has changed much from the early images of him. Santa was orginally depicted as a man in a long brown robe and furs, carrying a cross and wine flask with a holly crown on his head. Then in 1885, a Boston printer, Louis Prang, first devised the red-suited Santa. In the 1930's an advertising artist took the image further, leading to the modern image of a jolly character in a red suit trimmed with white fur. Through his love for children and gift giving, Santa Claus is an integral part of the spirit of Christmas.

Excerpt from the book "Christmas Traditions From Around The Globe"

Friday, November 24, 2006

Booga Update 11/24/06


Dear Family & Friends,

I am 10 months old today. I weigh 22 lbs and I don't think I got much longer. I can stand up alone for a few minutes without falling but, I'm not ready to take a step yet. I feel more comfortable walking if I can hold on to something or somebody's hand. My feet won't do what I want them to just yet...it's like they have a mind of their own or something! I intend to be walking by Christmas so, I'll just have to show them whose boss!

If you've been "Counting Teeth" with me, you know that I have 4...but 2 more (top) are starting to push their way through and should be arriving real soon. I'm eating and drinking all kinds of things but, nothing beats a good ol' bottle of milk every now and then. I really like drinking out of those "sippie cups" too! I'm still having tons of fun with all my friends at day care. I told Ms. Bea and Nyeisha about these updates I do every month and they said to tell you "hello"!

Someone else in my family got sick this month. There must be some kind of epidemic going on that nobody told me about. My Pop- Pop was rushed to the hospital from work and we were all scared that he was really, really sick. He ate something that turned his stomach upside-down but, he didn't have to stay in the hospital. We were all glad that he was able to come right back home. The doctor said he would be good as new in a few days and he was right! He said to tell everyone "thank you" for your concern.

My Great Grandparents, Mama & Pop-Pop, celebrated their anniversary this month and I went to visit them. I had a good time and got a chance to see my Cousins Trylanna, Early Jr., and Aaron again! I went to the movies for the first time and saw "Happy Feet". That was the biggest TV screen I've ever seen and it was loud! The music was great and I liked those dancin' penquin things. It was a very funny movie. Another first for me was Thanksgiving. I had dinner with my Great Grandmother Pumpkin Pie; then I went to visit my Mommy's friend, Danielle; and then I went to spend some time with my Godparents, Justin and Latoya! I loved the hugs, kisses, and attention I got all day long from everyone. I really like this Thanksgiving idea and can't wait to celebrate it again next year.

Memory Lane: For those of you who saw my 11-02-06 post with the three baby photos, they were: My Pop-Pop (photo #1), my Grandmother (photo #2), and my Mommy (photo #3). They are all doing fine now and, as always, they said to tell you "hello"!

Well, I guess that's all for now. Look for my next update on 12/24/06. See you then!

Love, "The Booga..."

Pics of the Month!

Is it The Booga or is it Tigger?

Will the real Tigger (or Booga), please stand up!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

My First Thanksgiving

Turkey Wave

"I'm ready to go out for Thanksgiving dinner!"

"Thank you for my snowsuit Nana"!

"I had dinner at my Great Grandmother 'Pumpkin Pie's' house. I thought Elmo was a little tough and overcooked."

"I think I had a little too much milk to drink!"

"Then, I went to see my Mommy's friend, Danielle."

"This is Danielle's sister, Tamika."

"This is Danielle's Mommy, Ms. Rose."


Last Stop...

"I also went to see my Godmomie Latoya & Godpopie Justin. I didn't get any pics because the camera batteries bit the dust. I'm so sorry!"

April is Autism Awareness Month - World Autism Day is April 2nd!

Google Custom Search Engine That's Safe For Kids

Let's all work together toward an end to this problem!

Making friends is easy, being a good friend takes practice.

Did you know there are 7 days in a week? Can you name them?

Do you know which day of the week you were born?

Did you know there are 12 months in a year? Can you name them?

Reading is Fun & Fundamental!

Thomas & Friends and The Booga Wooga
made tracks to great destinations from 2007-2012!


Trains & Characters: Annie, Clarabel, Arthur, Barrel Car, Bertie The Bus, Bill, Ben, Cargo Car, Chinese Dragon, Cement Mixer, Circus Animals & Trains (3), Construction Cars (2), Conveyor Belt Car, Cranky the Crane, Daisy, Diesel, Diesel 10, Donald*, Douglas*, Duke*, Dumper Car, Edward, Emily*, Express Coaches (2), Fearless Freddie, Giggling Troublesome Trucks (2), Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Harvey, Henry*, Iron 'Arry, Iron Bert, James*, Mavis, Murdoch*, Sodor Line Musical Caboose, Oil Car, Old Slow Coach, Percy, Peter Sam, Recycling Bins, Recycling Car, Rheneas, Rock Crusher, Rusty, Salty, Sir Handel, Sir Topham Hatt, Sir Topham Hatt's Car, Skarloey, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine, and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)

Buildings & Other Stuff: Deluxe Over-Track Signal, Down Trees Track, Glenn Nock Switch Track, Hatt St. Deluxe Railroad Crossing, Mountain Crossing, Round-About Action Turntable, Roundhouse, Rumblin' Bridge, Sodor Blocks Building & Destinations Set, Sodor Cargo Drop, Sodor Engine Wash, Sodor Haunted Mine, Sodor Oil Depot, Sodor Postal Station, Toby's Windmill, Useful Engine Shed, Water Tower, and Wellsworth Station.

Tracks & Accessories: 8" Ascending Tracks (4), 2.5" Ascending Track Risers (4), 4" Curved Road Tracks (4), 3.5" Curved Tracks (16), 6.5" Curved Tracks (10), 3.5" Single Curved Switch Track (6), 2" Straight Tracks (9), 3" Straight Tracks (4), 4" Straight Tracks (6), 6" Straight Tracks (14), 8" Straight Tracks (8), 2" Track Adapters (2), and 14" Wacky Tracks (6).


Trackmaster Sets: Morgan's Mine Railway and Spin 'N Fix. Trains & Characters: Thomas The Tank Engine (2) and Cargo Car.

Take-N-Play Sets: Knapford Station, Percy's Mail Delivery, Colin at the Wharf, and Tidmouth Tunnel. Trains & Characters: Annie, Bertie The Bus, Charlie (2), Clarabelle, Dash, Diesel, Diesel Fuel Car, Elizabeth, Mighty Mac, Percy (2), Rheneas, Salty, Sir Handel, Sodor Fuel Company, Thomas The Tank Engine (2), Toby, Troublesome Truck, and Whiff. Tracks & Accessories: Bridge Fold-Out Tracks (2) Flexi-Tracks (88), Straight & Curved Tracks (22), S-Curves (3), and Signs/Signals (6).

Mega Bloks Sets: Thomas At The Sodar Fair, Thomas & Diesel Busy Day At The Quarry, Cranky & Salty At The Docks, Thomas At The Coal Station, Emily On The Go, Toby Hard At Work, and Thomas At The Logging Camp. Train Characters: Cranky The Crane, Diesel, Emily*, Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Henry*, James*, Percy, Salty, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine (4), and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)


Siblings are the people we practice on. They teach us about
caring, cooperation, fairness, and kindness the hard way!


Lord Jesus, You were never too busy to pay attention to children, for You dearly loved them. We are happy that you love us and that You have time to listen to our prayers and to answer them. We thank You that You have made us Your own. As we get bigger and stronger every day, help us to grow stronger in our faith too. Bless our parents, whom You have given to us, and help us to respect and obey them, to love and treasure them. Forgive us when we disobey them or when we fail to respect them as Your previous gifts to us. Give them the wisdom to train us in the good and right way. Bless our home and every member of our family with a strong faith in You and true love to one another. Teach us to be kind, unselfish, helpful, cheerful, forgiving, and faithful in our duties. Help us to be like You, Lord Jesus, to grow in wisdom and character and in favor with God and all people. Send Your angels to watch over us, to keep us from all harm of body and soul. Bless us, and make us a blessing to our family and friends. Amen.

Thank you for stopping by and come back again!