Dear Family & Friends,
I am 7 months old today, 21 lbs, and 27 inches long. I'm still enjoying my friends at day care everyday. I can sit up much longer than I could last month but, I still fall over sometimes. I still prefer rolling to crawling but everyone is just insisting that I crawl. Even my Great-Grandmother "Pumpkin Pie" came over to give me a crawling lesson! I usually assume the crawling position, rock back and forth for a while, and then rollover or collapse on my stomach. Because everyone wants me to crawl so badly, I'm spending a lot more time on the floor and that's fun! I'm playing with my toys more and some of them are actually beginning to make sense to me. I wasn't too sure what people wanted me to do with them at first. I am still trying to walk and just love it when people stand me up on my legs. I also enjoy bouncing when I'm standing up. I know I must be a "Tigger" because...
"Bouncing is what tiggers do best!"
I'm still drinking and eating all the usual boring "baby stuff" but I have 2 teeth now! I had some really rough days and nights while they were trying to break through my gums but, I survived it because I'm a big boy! I'm looking forward to getting some more of these things called "teeth" so I can start eating food that I can chew. I'm getting tired of "gumming it" on teething books, blankets, and just about anything else I can put in my mouth. Some other highlights this month were:
1. My Mommy took me on a trip to Sears to have my portrait photos taken. Most of you should have received a pic of one pose or another by now.
2. I finally weigh enough to ride in a bigger car seat. Now I can face forward and see where I'm going, which is really exciting. I'd like to give a "shout out" and a big "thank you" to my Great Aunt Angie and Uncle Keith for getting it for me. I really like it!
3. I went to a cookout for "Leos" (whatever they are) in Trooper, PA. I had a good time with all the nice people that work with my Grandmother at the PBA. I just loved all the smiles, hugs, kisses, and attention. We'll have to get together again sometime.
4. I spent a day at the beach in Wildwood, NJ. I didn't know what to make of it all at many people, all the noise, the big rides, some stuff called "sand", and the ocean. Oh, my God...all that water rushing at you! It was cold and I didn't like it much. Everybody else loved it but I just didn't get it. Maybe it will grow on me. The best part was just being there with family. Hey Miles, thanks for letting me use the was really cool!
Well, I guess that's all for now. As always, my Mommy, Grandmother, and Pop-Pop said to tell you "hello"! Look for my next update on 09/24/06. Thanks for stopping by!
Love Always, "The Booga..."
More Booga Pics!
"Hey, I'm one of The Three Amigos!"
"But, where did Miles and Jackson go? I miss them."
"I know...I'll close my eyes and imagine they are here with me. As long as I have this shirt, we'll always be together!"
"Thanks Cousin Melanie."