Our Little Sister Alexis

Birthday: April 16th;
Day of the Week: Monday's child is fair of face;
Sun Sign: Aries (The Ram), just like my Pop-Pop.
Click on my pic to learn more about me!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Family Christmas Dinner 2007

Annual Day at Nana Faye's

On Saturday, December 29th, everybody went to my Great Nana Faye's house to celebrate Christmas together. The highlight for me was seeing Nana Faye and all of my aunts, uncles, and little cousins..old and new, from near and far. We had fun just running and playing for hours.

Here are pics of me and my Cousin Jackson playing with my Thomas & Percy trains. We made them go C-R-A-S-H, B-O-O-M, over and over again!

My Cousin Miles and his Mommy, Cousin Melanie.

My Cousin Jaden and his Mommy, Cousin Amber.

My new little Cousin Troy, Jr. ("TJ") and his Grandmother, my Cousin Jessie.

And, here's the rest of the family...cooking, eating, hugging, kissing, laughing, sitting, smiling, standing, talking, walking, watching TV, etc. You get the picture...we had a great time!

Monday, December 24, 2007

A Philadelphia Tradition

String Of Lights

The Light Show at Christmas Time!

OK, I know we were going to take a break from blogging until Christmas Day was over but, we decided to slip this one in just before the holiday...

Today, my Mommy and Grammy took me on a trip downtown to see something called "The Light Show". But first, we stopped at a place called the "Reading Terminal Market" and had some lunch at a place called Delilah's.

After we ate, we went to a really big place called a "department store" and the name of it was Macy's. When we went inside, I saw lots of people with little kids just like me. I guess they were all there to see The Light Show too. We came across a couple of nice spots to take some pics...a sleigh-in-the-snow display and the Macy's Christmas tree.

After we wandered around the store a bit, we took an elevator ride to the second floor (Mommy let me push the button). When we got off, we looked around for a really good spot to see The Light Show and found one. While we waited for the show to begin, everyone was singing Christmas songs and clapping their hands.

Finally, it was time for the show to start. I heard a loud voice coming from somewhere and telling Christmas stories about the lights. At the end of the show, all of the lights for all of the stories lit up and the whole wall was covered in lights!

When it was over, Mommy told me that Grammy always took her to see The Light Show at Christmas time when she was a little girl and how much she liked it. Then, Grammy told me that her Mommy always took her to see it when she was a little girl and how much she liked it. Now, wait just a minute... how old is this Light Show anyway? Oh well, I'm glad they took me to see it...I really liked it too!

And now, for all of my family and friends who don't live in Philly, you can watch The Light Show right here, right now. Just click the play button...Enjoy!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

From Our Family To Yours...

Three Kings

Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Luke 2:1-20

As we prepare to take a break from blogging to observe the birth of Baby Jesus, my Mommy, Grammy, Pop-Pop, and me wanted to share our best wishes and prayers that GOD will continue to bless all of our family and friends. We hope that everyone has received their Christmas card from us by now...if not, please know that it is on the way (they were sent out a little late this year). We hope that this will be the best Christmas ever for you and your loved ones. Peace and love to you all!

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Night To Remember

Christmas Lights
Sights & Sounds of Christmas
in Havertown, PA

I would like for you to meet my Grammy's good friends, Rev. John and his wife, Dale. Rev. John also works with my Grammy and they have known each other for a very long time. They invited all of us to come out to a place called Havertown for an evening of Christmas cheer. First, we stopped and got a bite to eat at a nice place that had steaks, hoagies, pizza, hamburgers, and one of my personal favorites...french fries!

Right next door to the place where we ate dinner, there was a store that was full of all kinds of trains. Of course, my favorite thing in the store was a table-top train set of Thomas & Friends on the Island of Sodor. I saw Thomas, Percy, Gordon, Annie, Clarabelle, Sir Topham Hatt, and all the gang! I had a good time playing with it and, trust me, I got really upset when I found out I had to leave them all behind in the store!

We also went upstairs and looked at all the other trains and stuff in the store. Thomas & Friends were the only trains that I knew about and I had never seen so many different kinds of trains in one place before. Some of them were really big too...it was something to see!

Grammy found this really nice carousel in the store. It reminded me of the one that I saw at the Willow Grove Park mall. She said that this one was too small for me to ride on so, I could only watch it go round and round without me.

This was another really big table-top train set. There were three trains running on it at the same time and one of them was a Christmas train!

While Pop-Pop and Rev. John kept me busy upstairs with the trains, Mommy, Grammy, and Dale went back downstairs. I think my Mommy and Grammy were getting me some Thomas & Friends stuff for Christmas but, s-h-h-h (whisper)... they think I don't know that's what they were doing!

When we finished at the train store, we rode around Havertown and looked at all the houses with Christmas lights. Some of the houses had lots of lights all over them and it was too many to count. Here are some pics...I wish there were more but some of them came out too dark. Oh, bother!

I can't believe that this candle is taller than me? Anyhoo, it was a fun night and we want to say "Thank You" to Rev. John and Dale for coming up with the idea. We had a really nice time. Maybe we can do it again next year!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Use It or Lose It Vacation Day

Eating Pizza
Lessons in Eating Pizza

1. First of all, always hold your pizza
properly and with a firm grip.

2. Never allow yourself to be distracted
by the TV while you're eating pizza.

3. If your pizza has several different toppings,
it can be fun to pick them off and
eat them separately.

4. When you are really enjoying your pizza,
close your eyes and it will taste even better!

5. If anyone is foolish enough to think that
they're gonna take your pizza, just cut them
a look that says, "Don't even think about it!"

Sick Leave Update

Well, I got my wish! By Monday morning of this week, my Mommy decided that it would be OK for me to return to day care and she went back to work. But, because I still had something called the "sniffles" and the weatherman said that we were going to have something called an "ice storm", Mommy thought it might be better if I stayed at home today. My Grammy had something called a "use it or lose it vacation day" so, I just kept her company all day. Pop-Pop had a Christmas party at his job and when it was over, he got off early. When he came home, he ordered a pizza to celebrate. I had 1+1/2 slices and it was really good. Mommy stayed at work late because her job had a Christmas party too. I can't believe that she didn't take me but, that's OK...she missed our pizzaparty@home!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Puttin' Up The Christmas Tree


Did You Put Your Tree Up Yet?

I'm still fighting a cold but I wanted to help my Mommy, Grammy, and Pop-Pop put up the Christmas tree today. I wasn't about to let a little cold stand in my way! I remember all the fun we had doing it last yearPhotographer... Mommy dressed me up in a Santa Claus suit, I got a chance to play in the Christmas tree box, and we put all kinds of things on the tree. Grammy even started something called a "tradition". She got me a special thing called an "ornament" to put on the tree. It was a tiny sleigh with my name on it. When we finished with the tree and turned the lights on, it was really something to see!

This year's "Puttin' Up The Christmas Tree" was a lot different than last year. For starters, I couldn't wear my Santa suit because Mommy said I am too big for it now. I also discovered that it's a lot more fun to let everyone else put things on the tree so I can take them off! Of course, this meant we had to play a round of the "NO! and STOP!" game but, it was fun just the same. Grammy got me another one of those "ornament" things so, now I have two of them on the tree. This one is a tiny candy cane with my name on it.

After all was said and done with the Christmas tree, we plugged it in and watched it shine bright! Then, it was time for the one thing that didn't change and what I liked the most...I may be too big for the Santa suit this year, but I'm not too big to play in the Christmas tree box!

P.S. I hope I get all better and Mommy lets me go to day care tomorrow. Being sick is a real bummer!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

I'm On Sick Leave

Big Sneeze
God Bless You!

Well, I didn't get a chance to help my Grammy with any more blog posts this past week because I got sick with a cold. I was sneezing and coughing a lot. Mommy said that I felt a little warm and had something called a "fever" so, she decided not to send me to day care on Thursday and Friday. I really missed Ms. Bea, Nyeisha, and all my friends but Mommy said that I might make them sick too so, I had to stay at home. She stayed home (and didn't go to work) so she could take care of me and did all kinds of things to help me feel better. We even wrapped up in our blankee and watched "Thomas & Friends" together for hours!

April is Autism Awareness Month - World Autism Day is April 2nd!

Google Custom Search Engine That's Safe For Kids

Let's all work together toward an end to this problem!

Making friends is easy, being a good friend takes practice.

Did you know there are 7 days in a week? Can you name them?

Do you know which day of the week you were born?

Did you know there are 12 months in a year? Can you name them?

Reading is Fun & Fundamental!

Thomas & Friends and The Booga Wooga
made tracks to great destinations from 2007-2012!


Trains & Characters: Annie, Clarabel, Arthur, Barrel Car, Bertie The Bus, Bill, Ben, Cargo Car, Chinese Dragon, Cement Mixer, Circus Animals & Trains (3), Construction Cars (2), Conveyor Belt Car, Cranky the Crane, Daisy, Diesel, Diesel 10, Donald*, Douglas*, Duke*, Dumper Car, Edward, Emily*, Express Coaches (2), Fearless Freddie, Giggling Troublesome Trucks (2), Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Harvey, Henry*, Iron 'Arry, Iron Bert, James*, Mavis, Murdoch*, Sodor Line Musical Caboose, Oil Car, Old Slow Coach, Percy, Peter Sam, Recycling Bins, Recycling Car, Rheneas, Rock Crusher, Rusty, Salty, Sir Handel, Sir Topham Hatt, Sir Topham Hatt's Car, Skarloey, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine, and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)

Buildings & Other Stuff: Deluxe Over-Track Signal, Down Trees Track, Glenn Nock Switch Track, Hatt St. Deluxe Railroad Crossing, Mountain Crossing, Round-About Action Turntable, Roundhouse, Rumblin' Bridge, Sodor Blocks Building & Destinations Set, Sodor Cargo Drop, Sodor Engine Wash, Sodor Haunted Mine, Sodor Oil Depot, Sodor Postal Station, Toby's Windmill, Useful Engine Shed, Water Tower, and Wellsworth Station.

Tracks & Accessories: 8" Ascending Tracks (4), 2.5" Ascending Track Risers (4), 4" Curved Road Tracks (4), 3.5" Curved Tracks (16), 6.5" Curved Tracks (10), 3.5" Single Curved Switch Track (6), 2" Straight Tracks (9), 3" Straight Tracks (4), 4" Straight Tracks (6), 6" Straight Tracks (14), 8" Straight Tracks (8), 2" Track Adapters (2), and 14" Wacky Tracks (6).


Trackmaster Sets: Morgan's Mine Railway and Spin 'N Fix. Trains & Characters: Thomas The Tank Engine (2) and Cargo Car.

Take-N-Play Sets: Knapford Station, Percy's Mail Delivery, Colin at the Wharf, and Tidmouth Tunnel. Trains & Characters: Annie, Bertie The Bus, Charlie (2), Clarabelle, Dash, Diesel, Diesel Fuel Car, Elizabeth, Mighty Mac, Percy (2), Rheneas, Salty, Sir Handel, Sodor Fuel Company, Thomas The Tank Engine (2), Toby, Troublesome Truck, and Whiff. Tracks & Accessories: Bridge Fold-Out Tracks (2) Flexi-Tracks (88), Straight & Curved Tracks (22), S-Curves (3), and Signs/Signals (6).

Mega Bloks Sets: Thomas At The Sodar Fair, Thomas & Diesel Busy Day At The Quarry, Cranky & Salty At The Docks, Thomas At The Coal Station, Emily On The Go, Toby Hard At Work, and Thomas At The Logging Camp. Train Characters: Cranky The Crane, Diesel, Emily*, Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Henry*, James*, Percy, Salty, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine (4), and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)


Siblings are the people we practice on. They teach us about
caring, cooperation, fairness, and kindness the hard way!


Lord Jesus, You were never too busy to pay attention to children, for You dearly loved them. We are happy that you love us and that You have time to listen to our prayers and to answer them. We thank You that You have made us Your own. As we get bigger and stronger every day, help us to grow stronger in our faith too. Bless our parents, whom You have given to us, and help us to respect and obey them, to love and treasure them. Forgive us when we disobey them or when we fail to respect them as Your previous gifts to us. Give them the wisdom to train us in the good and right way. Bless our home and every member of our family with a strong faith in You and true love to one another. Teach us to be kind, unselfish, helpful, cheerful, forgiving, and faithful in our duties. Help us to be like You, Lord Jesus, to grow in wisdom and character and in favor with God and all people. Send Your angels to watch over us, to keep us from all harm of body and soul. Bless us, and make us a blessing to our family and friends. Amen.

Thank you for stopping by and come back again!