First, we want to say "thank you" to everybody who came to the "pretend party" that was held at my blog for my Mommy's birthday... Pop-Pop, Grammy, Godmomie Latoya, Cousin Shirley Ann, Cousin Ina, Cousin Melanie, Cousin Miles, Cousin Najah, Cousin Samaya, Cyber Lurker, and Black Wolf. She got all of your birthday wishes and presents... a vacation to Jamaica, 2 cars, a laptop computer, some jewelry, an enigma, a pet rock, some dentures, and I gave her a chia pet! We celebrated her birthday with a family trip to the movies and a meal at her favorite restaurant, Bahama Breeze, in King of Prussia.
Well, I've been 2 years old for one month and 4 days and it's really been fun! Now, I can do all kinds of "big boy" things... like go up and down the steps in my house, knock on a door when it is closed (and burst right in), feed myself with a spoon (But, what's the deal with forks?), cover my mouth when I cough, open something called a "refrigerator" (and slam it shut), and sit on something called a "potty" (but, not actually put anything in it). My Mommy recently got me something called an "umbrella" and I can hold it up all by myself in the rain. When I'm coming home from day care with Grammy, she lets me lead the way when we get on the block where we live and she follows me right up to our house. That's right... I know where I live!
"Big boys" don't make sounds, they talk... so, I've been working on talking too. Sometimes, I don't like to play "the repeat game" when other people try to teach me new words. Grammy said that's because I'm a "leader" and not a "follower" whatever that means). But, when I want to talk, I can say a lot of new words and something Grammy calls "phrases"... like "Pop-Pop", "Mama", "clock", "off", "paper", "hello", "bye-bye", "book", "box", "poop", "TV", "baby", "tracks", "apple", "tongue", "help", "up", "down", "water", "what's that", "thank you", "wake up", and "see you later". I even talk back to the TV sometimes, just like my Pop-Pop! When I'm not watching Thomas & Friends, I like to watch my favorite game show, "Blue's Clues". I can always find the clues (paw prints) but, I don't know what they mean??? I also like to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and pick out the tools that Mickey needs to use when he calls "Tootles" for help. I don't always get it right but, it's fun just the same.
Another "big boy" thing I want to tell you about is (Grammy said, "drum roll please")... my Mommy let me spend my first night away from home! On Valentine's Day weekend, I spent Saturday night with my Godmomie Latoya and Godpopie Justin at their house. I always have a good time whenever I'm with them but, this time was really special because I got a chance to sleepover. I can't wait to do it again! Sorry, no pics this time.
As for day care, I'm still learning my alphabets, numbers, shapes, and colors but, arts and crafts is still my favorite! Mommy got me this really big mat called an "Aqua Doodle" that I can put on the floor. It comes with a marker that I can fill with water and use to draw on the mat. She also got me the "big boy" size Doodle Pro!
Since I don't have any pics of myself to share in this post, me and Grammy thought it would be nice if I showed you some more of the artwork that I did at day care. I hope you like it!

P.S. Kudos to Cousin Miles for noticing and commenting that I had "no hair" in the post about me and my Mommy spending QT with my Thomas & Friends train set. I went to the barber shop for a haircut just a few days before those pics were taken. Mommy is planning to send me to the barber shop again this weekend... Will I ever have hair again???