Our Little Sister Alexis

Birthday: April 16th;
Day of the Week: Monday's child is fair of face;
Sun Sign: Aries (The Ram), just like my Pop-Pop.
Click on my pic to learn more about me!

Monday, August 25, 2008


People Coming Together

On Sunday, we all went to something called "Unity Weekend" at a place called "Penn's Landing". There were lots and lots of people everywhere, plenty of food to eat, and tons of cold stuff to drink. People called "stars" were singing and playing music on something called a "stage" for hours and hours. I really liked the music a lot so, I did "The Booga Bounce" all day and had a great time. Grammy said to tell you to click here if you want to know more about Unity Weekend and the names of the stars who were on that stage!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Beginnings

Adventures in Day Care

Well, I just made it through the first week at my new day care. Change is always a little scary at first but, if you give it a chance, sometimes things will work out okay. The first big change is that me and Mommy have to ride the bus to day care now. I always liked bus rides so, that was fun. We have to catch two buses to day care and in this pic, we are heading for the corner of the block where we live to catch the first bus.

Grammy left with us on this day and brought the camera so she could take some pics. When we got to the corner, we had to wait a little while for the bus to come so, I sat down while Mommy watched for the bus. The big shadow that you see on the ground is Grammy taking my pic!

After a while, we got off the first bus and in these pics, me and Mommy are waiting for the second bus. This time, there was a place to sit but, I decided to stand up and wait for the bus with Mommy.

When the second bus came, me and Mommy got on it but, Grammy stayed behind because she had to catch a different bus that would take her to work. She had to take this pic really fast but as you know, Grammy has a really quick "trigger finger" with a camera!

After we sat down, Grammy came up close to the window where we were sitting and took this really neat pic of me waving goodbye through the glass. If you look really hard, you can see the outline of me and Mommy in the glass!

At the end of the day, Mommy and Grammy came to pick me up but, Grammy got there first so she could take even more pics. This day care is larger and has more space so, there is plenty of room to play. In these pics, all of the other kids are in another room watching TV so, I had this space all to myself. Grammy also took a pic of the other kids watching TV but, she said it came out too "blurry" (whatever that is) so, she couldn't post it.

There are more kids at this day care and that felt different. Many of them are around my age so, I am looking forward to making a lot of new friends. There are also some older kids that come later in the day when they get out of school. Grammy said that they are there for something called "after care" and she took this pic of them outside in the play area behind the day care.

Grammy told me that Mommy was on her way to come and get me so, I kept watching the door while I played with some toys. Mommy finally got there and in this pic, she is packing up all of my stuff so we can head for home. There's a playground up the street from the day care and we have to pass by it when walk to the bus stop. One afternoon, me and Mommy stopped there for a little while and I got a few slides on the sliding board before we got on the bus.

When Mommy dropped me off at day care this week, I got sad and cried when she left to go to work and at other times during the day. There were so many new faces around me that I didn't know and I guess I just wanted to cling to the one face that I did know. Ms. Rose, Ms. Edie, Ms. Khalisa, and Ms. Linda are all very nice to me and the kids are really friendly too so, as the week went on, I played with them more and with each passing day, I cried a little less than I did the day before.

A lot has changed but, I think I'm going to like this day care. Every Tuesday is "arts and crafts", which I liked a lot at my old day care. Every Wednesday is something called "show and tell" so, I can bring one of my favorite toys to play with on that day. This week, I took my Thomas train. Every Thursday is "art day" and every Friday, we have something called a "picnic lunch". I get to carry my new Cars backpack and Thomas & Friends lunch bag everyday, just like the big kids going to school. I also have to take my Winnie-the-Pooh sleeping bag every Monday for naptime during the week and every Friday, I have to take it home so Mommy can wash it.

My Grammy won't be picking me up everyday anymore but, she promised to come and get me if Mommy can't do it. She also said that she would take me out for rides in my red car sometimes on Saturday afternoons. And, I guess my Pop-Pop won't be able to just show up and surprise me anymore either but, that's okay. I really like the bus rides with Mommy in the morning and afternoon so, I'm happy that we can do that together.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Day At The Shore

Yesterday, my Pop-Pop, Grammy, and Mommy took me to a place called "Atlantic City, NJ". Grammy said that sometimes, people call this place "A.C." too. This was my first trip to A.C. but, it reminded me of two other places I've been... Wildwood, NJ and Myrtle Beach, SC! All of these places have that stuff called "sand" and a really big swimming pool called an "ocean". We didn't walk on the sand or get in the ocean this time but, we did go to a place with lots of rides called the "Steel Pier".

First, we rode in these things that looked like racing cars called "go karts". Me and Mommy got in one kart and Pop-Pop was in another kart all by himself. Grammy was taking pics but, she got a chance to ride in one too, later in the day. There were other people in the karts and we all had a big race. I couldn't tell who won but, it was a really fast and fun ride. Then, me and Pop-Pop slowed things down a bit and got on the merry-go-round. After that, Grammy rode "up high" with me in this thing called an "airplane". The last thing I rode on was a GIANT sliding board... it was the biggest one I have ever seen! Me and Mommy had to climb a lot of steps to get to the top but, we went down the slide together really, really fast it was so much fun!

We also walked and strolled on this really long thing called a "boardwalk". There were lots and lots of people on the boardwalk doing the same thing. Many of them waved and said "hello" to me as they passed by so, I did it too! When it was time to eat, we had lunch at a place called "Johnny Rockets". There was music playing and all of the people who bring food to the tables got together to sing and dance while we ate. There was a really nice man named "Old Sam" who brought our food and he also gave me a Johnny Rockets hat to wear! I'm not too sure how I looked in it but, Grammy took a couple of pics so, you can see for yourself.

When we left the boardwalk, we went to some places called "outlet stores" and did a little something called "window shopping". My favorite was a store called "Kay-Bee" because it was full of toys! After that, we went to a place called "Caesars" and had dinner at something called a "buffet". Grammy said that we could eat as much as our tummies could hold so, that's what we did.
When we finished eating dinner, we went back to the car and headed for home. It was a fun day and here are some of the pics!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Day Care Memories

Today, I had to say goodbye for the last time to Ms. Bea, Nyeisha, and all of my friends at day care because I will be going to a new day care on Monday. I was only 2 months old when I went to day care for the first time. I remember when I had to just sit and watch all of the other kids run and play because I was too little to do anything. Then, I learned how to sit up, pull up, crawl, and walk so I could run and play too. After that, I learned how to scribble with crayons and make things called "arts and crafts". Now, I'm 2+1/2 years old, I know all of my A-B-C's, I can count from 1 to 10, and I can even say a few words!

I had a great time at this day care and I'm going to miss my friends, the walks there with Mommy in the morning, and the rides home in my red car with Grammy in the afternoon. And, it was always a nice surprise when my Pop-Pop would come, pick me up, and take me home too. He is really tall so he would always carry me home because he knew that I liked to be "up high!" Everyone said that they were going to miss me and I got lots of hugs and kisses when I left today. I think I'm going to miss Ms. Bea and Nyeisha most of all and I want to thank them for taking such good care of me and for all of these special memories!

Monday, August 11, 2008

TO: Godmomie Latoya & Godpopie Justin

Today was a very special day. I just found out that my Godparents have been married for 7 years and they celebrated something called an "anniversary"! When I visited my Godmomie's Latoya's blog, I saw some of their wedding pics in a red spinning heart. They were really nice and I even saw my Mommy in some of them because she was in the wedding too!

This past Saturday, me and my Mommy decided to spend the day at my Godparent's house and I got a chance to play with Tava again. We had a lot of fun together when we went to the playground (where we met a new friend) and even more fun around the house when we got back. Here are some pics of our day together. You can also click here to see even more pics at my Godmomie Latoya's blog!

Godmomie Latoya & Godpopie Justin...

We hope that you enjoyed your special day together. May God continue to bless you both with many, many more "Happy Anniversaries!"

From Pop-Pop, Grammy, Mommy, & Me

April is Autism Awareness Month - World Autism Day is April 2nd!

Google Custom Search Engine That's Safe For Kids

Let's all work together toward an end to this problem!

Making friends is easy, being a good friend takes practice.

Did you know there are 7 days in a week? Can you name them?

Do you know which day of the week you were born?

Did you know there are 12 months in a year? Can you name them?

Reading is Fun & Fundamental!

Thomas & Friends and The Booga Wooga
made tracks to great destinations from 2007-2012!


Trains & Characters: Annie, Clarabel, Arthur, Barrel Car, Bertie The Bus, Bill, Ben, Cargo Car, Chinese Dragon, Cement Mixer, Circus Animals & Trains (3), Construction Cars (2), Conveyor Belt Car, Cranky the Crane, Daisy, Diesel, Diesel 10, Donald*, Douglas*, Duke*, Dumper Car, Edward, Emily*, Express Coaches (2), Fearless Freddie, Giggling Troublesome Trucks (2), Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Harvey, Henry*, Iron 'Arry, Iron Bert, James*, Mavis, Murdoch*, Sodor Line Musical Caboose, Oil Car, Old Slow Coach, Percy, Peter Sam, Recycling Bins, Recycling Car, Rheneas, Rock Crusher, Rusty, Salty, Sir Handel, Sir Topham Hatt, Sir Topham Hatt's Car, Skarloey, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine, and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)

Buildings & Other Stuff: Deluxe Over-Track Signal, Down Trees Track, Glenn Nock Switch Track, Hatt St. Deluxe Railroad Crossing, Mountain Crossing, Round-About Action Turntable, Roundhouse, Rumblin' Bridge, Sodor Blocks Building & Destinations Set, Sodor Cargo Drop, Sodor Engine Wash, Sodor Haunted Mine, Sodor Oil Depot, Sodor Postal Station, Toby's Windmill, Useful Engine Shed, Water Tower, and Wellsworth Station.

Tracks & Accessories: 8" Ascending Tracks (4), 2.5" Ascending Track Risers (4), 4" Curved Road Tracks (4), 3.5" Curved Tracks (16), 6.5" Curved Tracks (10), 3.5" Single Curved Switch Track (6), 2" Straight Tracks (9), 3" Straight Tracks (4), 4" Straight Tracks (6), 6" Straight Tracks (14), 8" Straight Tracks (8), 2" Track Adapters (2), and 14" Wacky Tracks (6).


Trackmaster Sets: Morgan's Mine Railway and Spin 'N Fix. Trains & Characters: Thomas The Tank Engine (2) and Cargo Car.

Take-N-Play Sets: Knapford Station, Percy's Mail Delivery, Colin at the Wharf, and Tidmouth Tunnel. Trains & Characters: Annie, Bertie The Bus, Charlie (2), Clarabelle, Dash, Diesel, Diesel Fuel Car, Elizabeth, Mighty Mac, Percy (2), Rheneas, Salty, Sir Handel, Sodor Fuel Company, Thomas The Tank Engine (2), Toby, Troublesome Truck, and Whiff. Tracks & Accessories: Bridge Fold-Out Tracks (2) Flexi-Tracks (88), Straight & Curved Tracks (22), S-Curves (3), and Signs/Signals (6).

Mega Bloks Sets: Thomas At The Sodar Fair, Thomas & Diesel Busy Day At The Quarry, Cranky & Salty At The Docks, Thomas At The Coal Station, Emily On The Go, Toby Hard At Work, and Thomas At The Logging Camp. Train Characters: Cranky The Crane, Diesel, Emily*, Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Henry*, James*, Percy, Salty, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine (4), and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)


Siblings are the people we practice on. They teach us about
caring, cooperation, fairness, and kindness the hard way!


Lord Jesus, You were never too busy to pay attention to children, for You dearly loved them. We are happy that you love us and that You have time to listen to our prayers and to answer them. We thank You that You have made us Your own. As we get bigger and stronger every day, help us to grow stronger in our faith too. Bless our parents, whom You have given to us, and help us to respect and obey them, to love and treasure them. Forgive us when we disobey them or when we fail to respect them as Your previous gifts to us. Give them the wisdom to train us in the good and right way. Bless our home and every member of our family with a strong faith in You and true love to one another. Teach us to be kind, unselfish, helpful, cheerful, forgiving, and faithful in our duties. Help us to be like You, Lord Jesus, to grow in wisdom and character and in favor with God and all people. Send Your angels to watch over us, to keep us from all harm of body and soul. Bless us, and make us a blessing to our family and friends. Amen.

Thank you for stopping by and come back again!