Our Little Sister Alexis

Birthday: April 16th;
Day of the Week: Monday's child is fair of face;
Sun Sign: Aries (The Ram), just like my Pop-Pop.
Click on my pic to learn more about me!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Operation "Playdate"

Me and my Cousin Miles had MAJOR fun at his house yesterday! We jumped on the bed and laughed ourselves silly; watched the roller skates tumble down the steps; rolled the ambulance down the sliding board in the playroom; ate pizza, popsicles, and Rice Krispie Treats; and danced, hugged, and sang! We had a great time and our Mommies enjoyed their time together too! Aren't cousins the best thing ever?

Cousin Miles & The Booga Wooga

Stardate 05.22.10

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ESDS "Walk With Me" Is Coming To Philly!

Walk for Autism...
Walk for Cerebral Palsy...
Walk for Down Syndrome...
Walk for all disabilities...

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Philadelphia Art Museum
Check-in/Registration 8:00am
5K USATF Sanctioned Run 9:00am
1 or 2 mile Family Fun Walk 9:35am

National Sponsors:
CVS Caremark, Century 21, Amway Global

Local Sponsors:
Century 21, First Financial Group, Metro Philadelphia,
PhRMA, Kreischer Miller, Hatfield, Ride-Away

For more information and online registration:
WALKWITH ME.ORG or call 610-565-2353

Philadelphia Event Manager:
Contact Liz Graham by phone or email at
484-234-8007 or lgraham@easterseals-sepa.org.

Me and my little sister are registered for this event:
Click here to see our personal "Walk With Me" page

Spread the word!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Celebration Postponed!

You may know by now that my Little Sister Sophia turned 1 year old last Saturday, but we had to postpone her celebration. Well, we finally got a chance to celebrate that milestone with her today and she really enjoyed it. She also started walking a short time before her actual birthday, which made the celebration today even better. She walked around the house so much today that she actually got tired and fell asleep. We had to wake her up to sing the "Happy Birthday" song, and me and Daddy helped her blow out the candles on her "Princess and the Frog" birthday cake. As you will see from the pics that Grammy took, she really enjoyed her cake too!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Getcha "Fling" On...

Belmont Plateau in Fairmount Park

Yesterday, the weather was so nice that we decided to go to the park for a little fun after everybody got home from day care, school, and work. Mommy decided to take her camera along so she could get some "spring fling" pics for her Facebook page. We even took "Hamlet" with us so he could run and play too. Of course, Grammy went over to FB and committed "grand theft photo" again so she could post the pics on my blog. But, that's okay... the important thing is, we had a really great time together in the park!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Celebration Of Trains!

Amtrak 30th Street Station
2955 Market Street, Philadelphia
Saturday, May 8th, 11:00am-4:00pm

Come on down and join in this national celebration of trains in Philadelphia! Don't miss your chance to see model trains, train equipment displays, and much, much more...

* Train Equipment Displays
* Model Train Displays
* AmtraKids Depot
* Go-Green Express: Eco Exhibit
* National Park Service Trails & Rails Exhibit
* Snapshot Station
* Trains Move our Economy Exhibit
* Amtrak Brand Display - Enjoy the journey
* Amtrak: Dining the Rail Way Exhibit and culinary demonstrations, featuring Chef Tom Douglas
* Baseball Junction: The History of Baseball and the American Railroad
* Live performances by the Philadelphia Boys Choir & Chorale and Phresh Select

This is a free, coast-to-coast celebration. Visit the official website for more information and a location near you. National Train Day is also featured on Facebook and Twitter!

Update 05/08/10

My Grammy and Pop-Pop took me to the "National Train Day" celebration here in Philly and we had a great time. There were lots of people and plenty of neat things to see and do at the train station. And, of course, no celebration of trains would be complete without some Thomas & Friends stuff! I even got a chance to ride on the El train again today. As an extra special treat, we ran into my Great Aunt Ronnie and my Cousins Trylanna, Early, and Aaron. My Cousin Early sings in the Philadelphia Boys Choir and they performed during the celebration. Here are some of the pics that Grammy took while we were there!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

April is Autism Awareness Month - World Autism Day is April 2nd!

Google Custom Search Engine That's Safe For Kids

Let's all work together toward an end to this problem!

Making friends is easy, being a good friend takes practice.

Did you know there are 7 days in a week? Can you name them?

Do you know which day of the week you were born?

Did you know there are 12 months in a year? Can you name them?

Reading is Fun & Fundamental!

Thomas & Friends and The Booga Wooga
made tracks to great destinations from 2007-2012!


Trains & Characters: Annie, Clarabel, Arthur, Barrel Car, Bertie The Bus, Bill, Ben, Cargo Car, Chinese Dragon, Cement Mixer, Circus Animals & Trains (3), Construction Cars (2), Conveyor Belt Car, Cranky the Crane, Daisy, Diesel, Diesel 10, Donald*, Douglas*, Duke*, Dumper Car, Edward, Emily*, Express Coaches (2), Fearless Freddie, Giggling Troublesome Trucks (2), Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Harvey, Henry*, Iron 'Arry, Iron Bert, James*, Mavis, Murdoch*, Sodor Line Musical Caboose, Oil Car, Old Slow Coach, Percy, Peter Sam, Recycling Bins, Recycling Car, Rheneas, Rock Crusher, Rusty, Salty, Sir Handel, Sir Topham Hatt, Sir Topham Hatt's Car, Skarloey, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine, and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)

Buildings & Other Stuff: Deluxe Over-Track Signal, Down Trees Track, Glenn Nock Switch Track, Hatt St. Deluxe Railroad Crossing, Mountain Crossing, Round-About Action Turntable, Roundhouse, Rumblin' Bridge, Sodor Blocks Building & Destinations Set, Sodor Cargo Drop, Sodor Engine Wash, Sodor Haunted Mine, Sodor Oil Depot, Sodor Postal Station, Toby's Windmill, Useful Engine Shed, Water Tower, and Wellsworth Station.

Tracks & Accessories: 8" Ascending Tracks (4), 2.5" Ascending Track Risers (4), 4" Curved Road Tracks (4), 3.5" Curved Tracks (16), 6.5" Curved Tracks (10), 3.5" Single Curved Switch Track (6), 2" Straight Tracks (9), 3" Straight Tracks (4), 4" Straight Tracks (6), 6" Straight Tracks (14), 8" Straight Tracks (8), 2" Track Adapters (2), and 14" Wacky Tracks (6).


Trackmaster Sets: Morgan's Mine Railway and Spin 'N Fix. Trains & Characters: Thomas The Tank Engine (2) and Cargo Car.

Take-N-Play Sets: Knapford Station, Percy's Mail Delivery, Colin at the Wharf, and Tidmouth Tunnel. Trains & Characters: Annie, Bertie The Bus, Charlie (2), Clarabelle, Dash, Diesel, Diesel Fuel Car, Elizabeth, Mighty Mac, Percy (2), Rheneas, Salty, Sir Handel, Sodor Fuel Company, Thomas The Tank Engine (2), Toby, Troublesome Truck, and Whiff. Tracks & Accessories: Bridge Fold-Out Tracks (2) Flexi-Tracks (88), Straight & Curved Tracks (22), S-Curves (3), and Signs/Signals (6).

Mega Bloks Sets: Thomas At The Sodar Fair, Thomas & Diesel Busy Day At The Quarry, Cranky & Salty At The Docks, Thomas At The Coal Station, Emily On The Go, Toby Hard At Work, and Thomas At The Logging Camp. Train Characters: Cranky The Crane, Diesel, Emily*, Gordon*, Harold The Helicopter, Henry*, James*, Percy, Salty, Spencer*, Thomas The Tank Engine (4), and Toby. (* Engine w/ Tender)


Siblings are the people we practice on. They teach us about
caring, cooperation, fairness, and kindness the hard way!


Lord Jesus, You were never too busy to pay attention to children, for You dearly loved them. We are happy that you love us and that You have time to listen to our prayers and to answer them. We thank You that You have made us Your own. As we get bigger and stronger every day, help us to grow stronger in our faith too. Bless our parents, whom You have given to us, and help us to respect and obey them, to love and treasure them. Forgive us when we disobey them or when we fail to respect them as Your previous gifts to us. Give them the wisdom to train us in the good and right way. Bless our home and every member of our family with a strong faith in You and true love to one another. Teach us to be kind, unselfish, helpful, cheerful, forgiving, and faithful in our duties. Help us to be like You, Lord Jesus, to grow in wisdom and character and in favor with God and all people. Send Your angels to watch over us, to keep us from all harm of body and soul. Bless us, and make us a blessing to our family and friends. Amen.

Thank you for stopping by and come back again!