This past weekend, we spent some time with Grammy and Pop-Pop and here are the pics that Grammy took while we were with them. On Saturday, we just chilled around the house most of the day and went bowling in the late afternoon. We only got a chance to bowl for 30 minutes because a big party was coming in and all the lanes were needed. So, Grammy didn't waste any time taking pics... we just took turns bowling as fast as we could! My little sister is tall enough to push the bowling ball off the kiddie stand now just like me, so she played too!

On Sunday, we all got up and went to church. After that, we had lunch at a diner called "Ruby's". I really liked this place a lot because they had trains running around the ceiling! I can't remember ever being in a restaurant with trains on the ceiling before and it was fun watching them while we ate our lunch. My little sister liked them too because she would point at them, smile, and say, "See!", every time they came around to where we were eating.

After we finished our lunch, we walked to the car so we could go back to Grammy and Pop-Pop's house. Before we got in it, Grammy decided that she wanted to take some pics of us in our "Sunday Best". Me and my little sister played around in front of the camera for a while, but Grammy was able to get two shots of us before we left. The color pics in the middle of each collage are the original photos, and then she took those pics and created the others at home. You can click on each collage for a larger view.

When we got back to the house, we played and watched TV for a few more hours. After we ate dinner, it was time for us to pack up our stuff and go back home to Mommy and Daddy. We missed them and we know that they missed us too. The house was probably too quiet without us, so we had to get back and do what we do best! Bring the noise! :) Thank you, Grammy and Pop-Pop... we had fun! See you again soon!