Sophia and my Mommy came home from the hospital yesterday so, by the time you read this post, I will back with my family and getting use to life with my little sister. She is so tiny and cute but, she sleeps a lot. I can't wait until she gets a little bigger and stops sleeping so much so that we can play together. When Pop-Pop and Grammy took me home, they stayed for a little while and took turns holding Sophia while she slept.
My Mommy is really happy that my little sister is finally here because next Sunday is "Mother's Day". Now, she is looking forward to spending that day with both of us. We usually get together with Grammy and Pumpkin Pie to celebrate that special day so, be sure to check back next week for more pics. See you then!

I had a nice time with my grandparents. I remembered the house and where everything was so, I made myself right "at home". When me and Mommy moved, Grammy decided that she would hold on to my Thomas & Friends train collection for safe keeping and I was really glad to see it again. I had lots of other Thomas stuff that I could take with me to my house so, it worked out okay. She moved all of it to the room that I use to share with my Mommy so, they were in a new place. I just kept looking around the house until I found them and I had a ball playing with them. Me and Grammy built a train track all around the bed and under it too. I played with it for hours!
Me and Pop-Pop were "on the go" in the car a lot and we even had breakfast at one of our favorite spots, The Trolly Car Diner. He wanted to take me to the playground but, it was raining the whole time I was at their house. I don't like it when my sunshine is taken away so, I had to find some fun things to do in the house. I spent some time laughing and rolling on the floor with my "Elmo" that Great Nana Faye gave me. It was good to see him again too because he hasn't made the trip over to my house yet. Grammy made me some popcorn and we watched The Wizard of Oz together, just like ol' times. I also watched a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I enjoyed spending time with Grammy and Pop-Pop again but, when it was time to go home and be with my little sister, I was more than ready to answer the call of "big brother!"

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