Today, my Grammy and Pop-Pop took me to my Cousin Miles' birthday party at a really fun place called BounceU. Well, just like the name says, you can bounce on just about everything in there! We all had to wear something called "wristbands" and take off our shoes to bounce and slide. There were two big rooms full of gigantic things to bounce and slide on and we played in both of them. The slides were a little too high for me last year so, I just bounced... but this year, I did it all! The grown-ups were bouncing and sliding too... even my Pop-Pop! Grammy did a little bouncing, but no sliding... she was happy behind the camera. Here are some of the pics she took while we were there and you can double-click on the collages for a larger view...

After everyone bounced, played, and slid to their heart's content, it was time to eat and celebrate the birthday boy. Cousin Miles sat in the big "BounceU" chair at the head of the table. We had pizza, juice, and chocolate cupcakes that we could put icing on and decorate ourselves. We sang the "Happy Birthday" song to him and he blew out his number 5 candle all by himself! After that, Miles' Mommy gave all of us a really neat "Cat In The Hat" goodie bag with a balloon on it and then, it was time to go home. Everyone had a great time and I hope that Cousin Miles enjoyed his birthday as much as we did sharing it with him!

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